learning how to be lonely

I can't bare the empty hands I can't feed myself with
The empty bed I often lay in fully dressed
The sound of my breaths and no others
My internal dialogue saying I don't deserve a lover

I can't bare the burden of this life I've extracted and exstrudeded from all the mistakes and goodbyes I've scripted, end scene

The highs so high lows somewheres I can't reach from where I'm trying to keep my footing in.
Upside down down side...I'm up
Sleeplessness saturates
Subdued by my own
Insatiable want
For touch

For compatibility, compassion
Bickering and bouncing back from actual contact.

Someone asks is it addiction
Or do you actually like them

Is it reciprocated or
Do you just hold a space
They can't fill themselves

Wander through the ways I want to live without
And all the ways I want to live with, the ways I want to celebrate and pay attention.