In storming

Let the cool air down the turbulence reflected in the sound
the peace within only promised after the fury fades
and blesses new air with positive charge,
pulled from the in of out negative consistently fleeting


In torrent : divest
found more stable.

less likely to end up in the
same footing, that pushed
me here, me willing
to follow : to fall

clear, not so
debased : default
basic and rampant

feet bare as always
clocked and cloaked
time and tempo

faced in awe of
broken in laws from
the beast that can not
fall : the all believer
walks in the shadows of the
defined though the defined
free from words walks
does not justify the step




About : to be: me

I feed anyone that needs feed, i let people stay here if need be, i dont put up with shit,i do not believe in "god", but feel a presence that is all inclusive and gives me the power to endlessly love, i could just be crazy but id like to think that im on a path in the correct direction, which may just be and implosive or explosive peace that i occationaly feel, the silence that only takes three breaths to achieve is much appreciated and im glad that i no longer am constantly condemning myself, i am single and have two beautiful primarily vegan children ultra intelligent my daughter is 4 and my son is 2 , i plan on doing anything i can to make sure their clarity their health (a state of wellbeing mind and body) is not in anyway sacrificed by me nor anyone else, im trying but have obviously never done this before. I will hopefully successfully continue raising them and move on to what i believe to be the ultimate exsistance, the life of travel and survival out in the world full of strangers and primarily alone, seeking truth and health and that which is in awe of my beliefs if any on that made sense PEACE! and love.