No longer

No longer do i question who i am.
i am found securely : wholesomely
within this : without this

no longing for individuality
a oneness within the flaws

i do not see a streaming consciousness
i feel the unnamed from a definitive core
an unarmed notion of prospect

the fruit that bares the seed
the tree from which only love grows
i find all that is necessary to survive
in long strands of commonality




Join Hands
Finding light through thick clouds and leafless trees. . Snow melting - warm breeezes @peace and inly et joi lna

epic old face book updates

Jade Hope-Able Erdalssøn

You are not only human : you are god : and the brother of all his sons and daughters. all that is / is aware.

Know for thy self . . That all around is changing and in the light that you lend the other you find yourself. Ahimsa

If i want it even for a moment and long to possess it : it will fade away : more fit for the next and full of a my love : i forget im no one when he looks at me

If you should ever track me down : i will surrender there : i am the distance you put between the moments we will be. .

See i am no king i where no crown . But but desprit time they seem over now . But still i weaken somehow C&c Ahimsa

Contentment through lack of options has never found its self fitting in my perception of peace . . Finding clarity slowly. Love boundlessly.

I want to hear a word i never have. .Oh and if there were a lord it'd be silence. when Come the days n' nights when i know thy self as one w all of the creation

Needs to cleanse further and is attempting not to run in every direction. Admiration is my only ambition. . Correct your own spelling i dont intend on it myself


Bagels and avatar . . . painting and coffee . . . Life life life to live.

Even in here

Taking myself to a place i very rarely enjoy
but i can disguise the air with head phones,
and pretend the conversations being had are wholesome

i build my own atmosphere in here, from the spoon so
slightly balance on top of the soy creamer, i push the ugly
frangrant flower to the other end of the table and suggest
to myself that this table is made of mahogany not poly-something or other

Coffee dwindling, and since the americano with extra exxxpresso is more
expensive then the normal cup-oh-joe i wont be having another,
but at least my mouth will not taste disgusting when i leave,

shamrocks hanging, from doorways, Budweiser scrawled across them,
mmm... for what, saint Patrick, and the snakes or was that Valentine,
Do not ask me i am American, and all i know is Oprah the Simpson,
and Bill fucking Clinton, and do not think for a second that i capitalized one
of those names on my own, solidly spell check all the way.

Okay so maybe you sense that i am a tad bit bitter at the moment,
and you are absolutely correct, i have been in this town for bordering on
twenty four years, and yes i have left from time to time, on little adventures,
and that is just what they were, "adventures"have to end some time.

It is in the light

when i find motion, to shadowed by the long winter dusks
to notice any other time, finding time to appreciate what is here
and now, and dreaming of the moments to be no expectantly,
taking place in head and heart, being as virtuous as i know how to be

Walking empty streets i call my own, in hick town, blasting techno, hip hop
and folk, from lunch to dinner, just to keep the silence, and the mufflers,
clouded out, for a few, moments when i am task ridden.

The air a little warmer, and the sky a little brighter, sidewalks clearing of ice
just to prep for a few last winter hell storms, when the snow hits you in
the face you dont want to see any more, just sit by the fire with tea, and warmth.

A fleeting feeling, the breeze, uhh the grass, to know that the grass, and the flowers,
and the warm sun will touch this skin, again, whether i am patient or not, spring, and summer
are coming, sooner for me then most folks, perhaps because i commonly conceive
the details still rooted in ice, and the mud paths, as a few months pasts dust.

Oh northwestern pa, how far from my heart you'll always be, but the first
and the last home you could ever need.

hHhahaha !


the daylight turn to dusk
again, and again,
through a thick
winter sky.

gray and white
white and gray
for a glimpse of
the full moon in

finding words to say
i have experienced this
day to daze, impossible
six months of freezing

to an end, spring
new beginning, again
and then once more
of course, i will not

find any more wholesome place
then now living in a moment
comprehending, just a little bit
of peace, a little bit.

cold hands, and fire wood,
coffee cups, scattered on the woodstove
baybees playing, around and on
all that i am, now, and here,

lost in so many moments found
when all meaning becomes
quite clear.