i in mind

i in mind quote a thousand
fallen prophets : ones born
of a mother and a father like me

un like me : so like me
less or more to hope for

its funny that i am writing this today
twenty four years ago my mother lay in pain
as i did with my two... and never really
expect to have anything to give

i have myself : im assured thats enough
and then turned into a joke by someone
of a "higher authority

theres nothing i would search for out of
this, wanting to know thy self, to let go
to have what is had by every being, within this

i am alive, and i tell you i want to do something
i want to do something, anything, maybe nothing
but god dammit, right?! what are we to do

i need a hallow place to call my own
somewhere : where its standing that
the breath is more then honed

my stature beat less
my wholesome

i rock because i can
and i quote because
i don't intend on speaking
any truths today


a mountain as it sits and pours
on to the earth remains unknowing of its height

the man seeks, drills, beats, climbs, masters
never knowing of his own incapability
to remain at rest while awake

I have not a second

I have not a second to ponder the past
nor the future

I am stuck 
but not in a descriptively painful sense 
But i am none the less stuck
within every waking moment

taught to dread
fallen to appreciate

The breath of every day becomes
becomes what it is meant to be

Hopelessly Hopeful
Like always