Hold open

Hold the open
Let the river flow through you
Hold open, and when you do
Don't be ashamed or subtle
Hold open in your truth

Hold open
Hold tune
Don't be hushed
Don't be rushed
Hold open
It's yours to do

Hold open unto
And into you, hold
Hold, hold open

No one has to know but you
Hold open, as long as you feel so
Hold open, it's not simply done
it benefits the hearts view

Not At odds, at ends

Tethers untied
Hinderences no longer
Discussed or disguised
I am divine with my
Burnt edges

I am divine with truth
Full of intentions, not
Lost in label or lavish refrain
Loose and wanton as I came

I do not hurt your hurt
all my own to heal, I am
Not a victim as I was tamed to be
I am wild or recluse without shame

I stare and state my damage
Am not told to stay undone
I step out backwards
Fear can't have my voice
Or tounge