Winter Winds

Winter winds tho they chill my skin
can not touch my heart ever burning

A palace of heartfelt has found its way in
around all the people and the places i have been
the lessons taught grow clearer through every
broken step every glance in a truer direction

My capability to love grows ever greater as
"more" material things fall away, outside of this
i am found in warm moments, mind wandering
to who and what i want to be for all that i can.

Like the ice will freeze this winter over sidewalks
chill will encase this hope of something greater internal
external, to fall away in brighter days when i am truly
willing and capable of change.

Of change, of change, value of what has been that must go
Of the undeniable, the unchanging and ever present in heart
tho the hands and paths may be lonely ones, very few things
that do not include solitude, are worth pro-suing

These paths are not of attainment, but of something great
unattainable, untouchable, Of something steadfast and
vacant at the same, prevailing and wholesome, I am not
one to testify this for my path has become unclear, tho i know
where i must place my heart in all of this.

in the changing skies, in the uncertain storms to come
in the days of spring ahead, in seed, in earth, in something
far from my grasp, of reality.